Sunday, June 2, 2013

May 20, 2013 Club Meeting

Present at the meeting were: Samya Boxberger-Oberoi, Eric Jones, Randy Lee, Lara Miller, Suzanne Mulcahy, and Sharon Pappos.  There were four guests:  Bill Sexton, Tom Zucchelli, Neville Menta, and Jim Spath. 

Samya was the Toastmaster; Suzanne was the General Evaluator; Suzanne was the Grammarian; Randy was the Ah Counter; the Vote Counter, and the Timer.
Speaker: Lara Miller
Manuel:  #1  “Ice ”Breaker"

Speech:  “Clumsy”
Lara gave a wonderful speech about some the events in her life when she felt that she was, "clumsy".  She told us delightful tales from her adventures at the age of five, climbing to the highest point in the play structure, to breaking her arm doing back flips and roller skating.  
Lara had an amazing way of weaving her story with compassion and humor and a flawless delivery.
Speech Evaluator #1:  Randy gave an evaluation of Lara's speech.  He was very impressed by how polished her delivery was, "well above average for an 'Ice Breaker'".  Lara did not use any notes and her body language was very impressive.  Her speech was well organized and her communication was articulate.   

Speaker: Samya
Advanced Speaker Manuel:  

Speech:   “Story of Toastmasters”
Samya gave an excellent presentation about the benefits of being in Toastmasters.  She gave the history and evolution of the organization beginning in 1924 up to the present day.  Toastmasters provides the feedback on what you do well and what you need to learn.  "Better communicators are better leaders and better leaders are better communicators."
Samya gave her own personal experiences in Toastmasters and what she has gained from being a part of the organization. 
Speech Evaluator #2:  Eric Jones gave an evaluation of Samya's speech.  He said that she gave a great introduction on the history of Toastmasters and it helped us understand their purpose and their growth.  She interjected her own person experiences.

Eric gave the suggestion that when giving the presentation to an audience not familiar with Toastmasters, that Samya explain terms like "Ah Counter" and "Timer", etc.  He loved how Samya let us know how we can utilize and appreciate "constructive criticism".  She gave excellent eye contact, was very articulate, and well organized. 

Sharon  was the Table Topics Master. The theme of the meeting was: “Spring Time Energy”; The word of the day was: “Aesthetic”.  
Samya asked for the guests remarks and then closed the meeting. 

Meeting was adjourned at 7:10

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