Monday, May 11, 2015

March 30, 2015 Club Meeting

Chamber Speakers Circle Toastmasters
March 30, 2015

Attendees: Samya, Leif, David K., Suzanne, David N., Joe, Annamarie, Aditi, Lara, and Trey
Guests: No guests

Theme of the day:  Spring Time 

Suzanne was the Toastmaster; Lara was the General Evaluator; David N. was the Grammarian, Aditi was the Ah Counter, and Trey was the Timer.

Samya started the meeting by making announcements.

Speaker #1:  Leif:  “Responsive Navigation:  Visual Design 2014 - 2015”

Leif went through his new navigation system that was just completed and used several power point slides to explain this process.  He talked about the goals that needed to be met with this project.  Leif spoke of the requirements of the improved design, which are to make the site easier to use and less confusing.  When indicating the different brands, it is important to have the “story talk through a large picture, fonts, color needed, etc.”.  Each brand has their own home page.

Speaker #2:   Joe:  “Security is a Competition”        

Joe opened his speech with a story about a bear that immediately grabbed our attention.  He then talked about how the security training changed after the bombing in Oklahoma.  They were impressed by the intelligence of the terrorists.  They looked through the security system that they had and looked for potential vulnerability to eliminate intentional actions.

The team focused on three things:  The technology, The Practice, and The Accountability.  They created a two week training called, ”The Day After”.  It seems that the day after an event, we already start to forget it.  

Lara called on her team of evaluators.

Evaluator #1:  Annamarie evaluated Leif.  He knew this subject very well.  Leif was articulate, well organized.  He displayed a very sociable and kind demeanor.  Annamarie suggested that Leif use a pointer to clarify where we were to focus our attention and perhaps to stand up during his presentation.  It would also be helpful to give a brief introduction about the subject. 

Samya gave some additional comments about the technical aspects of his presentation. She further stated that he could clarify the specific desired results of his project and indicate when they were met.  This was a practice run for Leif as he is giving this presentation tomorrow, an excellent use of Toastmasters.   

Evaluator #2:  Samya evaluated Joe.  He established his credibility on the subject right away.  Joe defined the meaning of security very well and gave us his criteria.  It was the first time she had heard security combined with accountability.  The speech was well organized.  This is a difficult subject to address, and he drew us in.  Samya suggested that he use the more familiar term of “suicide bomber” and not “human born bomber”.  It was an overall very effective speech.      

Samya asked for remarks and then closed the meeting.  

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