Monday, August 16, 2010

August 9, 2010 Executive Committee Meeting

Present at the meeting were: Ruth Wadsword (VPE & VPM), Samya Boxberger-Oberoi (VPPR) and Randy Groover (President & Secretary).

Officer Reports:

The President Reported that 0 DCP goals had been obtained.

The VPPR reported that she had begun the planning for our club's participation at the San Mateo Expo.

The Secretary reported that he had caught up on the updates to the Blog.

Agenda Items:

The President reported that the CC: and spam issues were resolved and that only the BCC: issue was an unresolved e-mail issue.

The Executive Committee decided to reimburse any member of the club who is required to pay in order to get into the Area Contest. The President informed the Executive Committee that the Area Contest would be held on Monday, September 27, 2010 from 6:00 P. M. to 9:00 P. M. at the Hillsdale Mall Conference Room in leiu of our regular meeting.

The VPPR agreed to Contact Linda Asbury to begin the process of securing a booth for the club at the San Mateo County Expo. The VPPR also agreed to complete a first draft of the flier that we plan to give away and present it for comment to the club as soon as practical. The Executive Committee was united in agreeing to give away a free membership as a 'door prize' at the Expo. The VPE/VPM committed to making a sign for our booth at the Expo announcing that a free membership will be given away.

The next Executive Committee meeting will be held on September 13, 2010.