Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 28, 2011 Club Meeting

Present at the meeting were: George Lee, Ron Kasper, Tiffany Fung, Mike Lum, Randy Lee, Wing T. Tsoi, Spencer Hatfield, Ruth Wadsworth, Nancy Johnson, Katya Ermolaeva, Mary Lynagh, Bill Craumer, Suzanne Mulcahy and Randy Groover.

Ron was the Toastmaster.
Nancy was the General Evaluator.
Bill was the Grammarian.
Katya was the Ah Counter.
Bill was also the Vote Counter.
Suzanne was the Timer.
Mike gave a speech entitled, 'My Creative Magnets'.
Wing was the Table Topics Master.
Tiffany evaluated Mike's speech.

The theme of the meeting was: Snowy Winter
The word of the day was: Gelid

The following Executive Committee members were elected to serve a 6 month term beginning on December 1, 2012:

Randy Groover - President
Wing T. Tsoi - Vice President of Education
Nancy Johnson - Vice President of Membership
Samya Boxberger-Oberoi - Vice President of Public Relations
Nancy Johnson - Treasurer
Linda Asbury - Secretary
Tiffany Fung - Sergeant at Arms