Present at the meeting were: Ruth Wadsworth (Secretary), Spencer Hatfield (VPM), Wing T. Tsoi (Sgt at Arms), Nancy Johnson (Treasurer) and Randy Groover (VPE).
Officer Reports:
The VPE reported that he was still pursuing his awareness campaign to have members document their speeches in the backs of their manuals and then have the VPE provide his initials validating completion of the speech.
The VPE also reported that the Blog was currently up to date.
The Treasurer reported that we have $2,051.93 in cash in the bank.
The Treasurer also reported that only 3 members did not renew their 6 month memberships.
The Sgt. at Arms indicated that she had ordered a new banner with the new branding on it.
The Sgt. at Arms also indicated that she had received some free collateral from Toastmasters International (TI).
Agenda Items:
The slate of candidates for the Executive Committee was discussed. The VPE said he would send out an e-mail to the club requesting that anyone interested in being a member of the Executive Committee indicate their interest prior to the November 28th club meeting.
The Calendar of meetings for 2012 was discussed.
The budget for 2012 was discussed. In developing the budget we considered the projected cost of supplies for 2012, reimbursements to Wing for money she had spent in 2011 on the banner, reimbursements to the chamber for the cost of internet hosting, the cost of the 2011 party and the cost of bring our website and other documents into compliance with the new TI branding.
The Treasurer agreed to lead the effort for the upcoming party in December. She will contact the proposed restaurant and begin the process of making reservations immediately. It was ageed that the party would be held on Monday, December 5th, 2011 at 6:30 P. M. at the Macaroni Grill. It was also agreed that due to the budgeted costs for 2012, the club would only contribute $100.00 to the cost of the party.
The next Executive Committee meeting will be held on January 9, 2012.