Present at the meeting were: Tiffany Fung (Sgt. at Arms), Nancy Johnson (VPM & Treasurer) and Randy Groover (President).
Officer Reports:
The President reported that 1 DCP goal had been achieved.
The President reported that the Blog was currently up to date and that guests at our club meetings had told him that the fact that the Blog was being updated and that the website was current was a sign to them that the club was functioning. In an unintended way keeping the meeting minutes on the Blog was functioning as a marketing tool!
The Treasurer indicated that no bank statements had been received for November or December of 2011. The President agreed to contact the San Mateo Area Chamber of Commerce and request that the statements be sent directly to the Treasurer.
The current Sgt. at Arms will contact the former Sgt. at Arms requesting that the new club banner be delivered to her as soon as it arrives.
Agenda Items:
Officer training was discussed. All the officers present agreed to try to make it to training on January 18th.
The status of our current VPE was discussed.
All officers agreed that they would help out if another officer became overloaded with work and that they would ask for help if they became overloaded with work.
The next Executive Committee meeting will be held on February 13, 2012.