Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19, 2012 Club Meeting

Present at the meeting were: Ron Kasper, Ruth Wadsworth, Randy Lee, Mandy Chiang, Claire Tseng, Tiffany Fung, Bill Craumer and Samya Boxberger-Oberoi.

Mandy was the Toastmaster.
Samya was the General Evaluator.
Randy was the Grammarian.
Randy was also the Ah Counter.
Ron was the Vote Counter.
Ron was also the Timer.
Bill gave a speech entitled, 'Don't Just Do Something; Stand There'.
Claire was the Table Topics Master.
Tiffany evaluated Bill's speech.

The theme of the meeting was: Gifts
The word of the day was: Excessive

Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 12, 2012 Executive Committee Meeting

Present at the meeting were: Samya Boxberger-Oberoi (VPE & VPPR), Nancy Johnson (VPM & Treasurer), Tiffany Fung (Sgt. at Arms) and Randy Groover (President).

Officer Reports:

The President reported that 2 DCP goals had been obtained. The President offered an analysis of which members might be leaving the club at the upcoming dues renewal period.

The VPE reported on the number of speeches that each member had done.

The VPM said she would issue an e-mail requesting that dues be paid.

The Treasurer reported that all the bills had been paid.

The Sgt. at Arms reported that all the purchases she had been instructed to make had been made and that the materials purchased had arrived.

Agenda Items:

The new supply box was stocked.

The VPE presented an overview of the Effective Listening program. She also presented a status report on the program. A more detailed report will be made at the next Executive Committee meeting.

Issues surrounding a family tragedy for one of our members were discussed. It was agreed that the President would send the member an e-mail inquiring if the club could make a small donation to a charity in the name of the deceased.

The Treasurer gave an in depth report of who had paid their upcoming dues.

The President announced that our club would be the venue for the upcoming Area Contest on April 2nd.

The next Executive Committee meeting will be held on April 9, 2012.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 12, 2012 Club Meeting

Present at the meeting were: Claire Tseng, Mandy Chiang, Ruth Wadsworth, Nancy Johnson, Bill Craumer, Tiffany Fung, Samya Boxberger-Oberoi, Randy Lee and Randy Groover.

Randy Groover was the Toastmaster.
Ruth was the General Evaluator.
Samya was the Grammarian.
Randy Lee was the Ah Counter.
Claire was the Vote Counter.
Diego (a guest) was the Timer.
Tiffany gave a speech entitled, 'Agile Software Development'.
Mandy was the Table Topics Master.
Bill evaluated Tiffany's speech.

The theme of the meeting was: Passion
The word of the day was: Emotion

March 12, 2012 Club Meeting

Present at the meeting were: Claire Tseng, Mandy Chiang, Ruth Wadsworth, Nancy Johnson, Bill Craumer, Tiffany Fung, Samya Boxberger-Oberoi, Randy Lee and Randy Groover.

Randy Groover was the Toastmaster.
Ruth was the General Evaluator.
Samya was the Grammarian.
Randy Lee was the Ah Counter.
Claire was the Vote Counter.
Diego (a guest) was the Timer.
Tiffany gave a speech entitled, 'Agile Software Development'.
Mandy was the Table Topics Master.
Bill evaluated Tiffany's speech.

The theme of the meeting was: Passion
The word of the day was: Emotion

Monday, March 5, 2012

March 5, 2012 Club Meeting

Present at the meeting were: Tiffany Fung, Eric Jones, Claire Tseng, Mandy Chiang, Ruth Wadsworth, Ron Kasper, Randy Lee and Randy Groover.

Ruth was the Toastmaster.
Tiffany was the General Evaluator.
Claire was the Grammarian.
Randy Lee was the Ah Counter.
Diego (a guest) was the Vote Counter.
Ron we the Timer.
Mandy gave a speech entitled, 'The Road to my American Dream'.
Eric was the Table Topics Master.
Randy Groover evaluated Mandy's speech.

The theme of the meeting was: March Madness
The word of the day was: Passion