Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 12, 2012 Executive Committee Meeting

Present at the meeting were: Samya Boxberger-Oberoi (VPE & VPPR), Suzanne Mulcahy (Secretary), Ruth Wadsworth(Sgt. at Arms) and Randy Groover (President & Treasurer).

Officer Reports:

The President indicated that 3 DCP goals had been achieved to date.

The current Treasurer Nancy Johnson has stepped down form that role. The role of the Treasurer will be filled by the President until another Treasurer can be found.

The Secretary is no archiving the meeting minutes that she is taking in SkyDrive.

Agenda Items:

The meeting schedule for 2013 was promulgated.

The VPPR will e-mail the presentation for the upcoming educational module on leadership to the presenters. The VPPR will also contact Eric Jones and Emily Panos to see if they can be presenters. The President agreed to act as a replacement for anyone who was unable to present their material. An informal rehearsal will be held on November 19th for anyone who cares to come.

The next Executive Committee Meeting will be held on January 14, 2013.