Saturday, March 30, 2013

March 25, 2013 Club Meeting

Present at the meeting were: Eric Jones, Eric Yan, David Nazzaro, Sharon Pappas, Suzanne Mulcahy, Emily Panos, Venkat Senapati, Samya Boxberger-Oberoi, Ruth Wadsworth, Randy Lee and Randy Groover.

Eric Yan was the Toastmaster.
Randy Groover was the General Evaluator.
Ruth was the Grammarian.
Sharon was the Ah Counter.
Venkat was the Vote Counter.
Suzanne was the Timer.
David gave a speech entitled, 'How Morocco Introduced Me to the World'.
Randy Lee was the Table Topics Master.
Samya evaluated David's speech.

The theme of the meeting was: Sports
The word of the day was: Competition

March 18, 2013 Club Meeting

Present at the meeting were Sharon Pappas, Ruth Wadsworth, Randy Lee, Suzanne Mulcahy, Samya Boxberger-Oberoi and Randy Groover.

Sharon was the Toastmaster.
Ruth was the General Evaluator.
Suzanne was the Grammarian.
Randy Lee was the Ah Counter.
Suzanne was also the Vote Counter.
Randy Groover was the Timer.
Samya gave a speech entitled, ' The Farmer, the Son and the Donkey'.
Randy Groover was the Table Topics Master.
Lara (a guest) evaluated Samya's speech.

The theme of the meeting was: Spring Fever
The word of the day was: Allergies

Eric Yan, David Nazzaro and Venkat Senapati were inducted as members of the club.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 11, 2013 Executive Committee Meeting

Present at the meeting were: Suzanne Mulcahy Secretary), Ruth Wadsworth (VPM & Sgt. at Arms), Samya Boxberger-Oberoi (VPE & VPPR) and Randy Groover (President & Treasurer).

Officer Reports:

The President reported that 4 DCP goals had been obtained.

The VPE will begin working with District 4 to determine what recognition will be provided to the club for our educational programs.

The VPE reported that almost all members have responded to the educational survey.

The VPPR will look into the feasibility of producing business cards for the officers that care to have them.

The Treasurer has cancelled the New Member Application functionality upgrade to the website siting cost as the main impediment to going forward with the improvement.

The Treasurer estimated that the club will have about $720.00 in cash in the bank after processing the new members and renewing existing members.

The Secretary reported that she has caught up with the process of recording the minutes of the club meetings and storing them in the Club Repository.

Agenda Items:

The President gave an overview of his meeting with Cheryl Angeles and Linda Asbury from the San Mateo Area Chamber of Commerce. The essential message that he received from the meeting was that the relationship between the club and the chamber has not changed with the exception that Cheryl will replace Linda as the contact person at the chamber.

The Treasurer reported that we have received a few dues renewals, but that more need to be received. He will send out another e-mail appeal to the club to renew their memberships.

The VPE said she was going to send out an e-mail to the club requesting that all members respond with their educational status by April 1, 2013.

The next Executive Committee meeting will be held on April 8, 2013.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 11, 2013 Club Meeting

Present at the meeting were: Suzanne Mulcahy, Emily Panos, Sharon Pappas, Samya Boxberger-Oberoi, Randy Lee, Ruth Wadsworth and Randy Groover.

Samya was the Toastmaster.
Suzanne was the General Evaluator.
Emily was the Grammarian.
Laura (a guest) was the Ah Counter.
Randy Lee was the Vote Counter.
Suzanne was also the Timer.
Ruth gave a speech entitled, 'Connections'.
Randy Groover was the Table Topics Master.
Sharon evaluated Ruth's speech.

The theme of the meeting was: Colors
The word of the day was: Cajole

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 4, 2013 Club Meeting

Present at the meeting were: Randy Lee, Samya Boxberger-Oberoi, Sharon Pappas, Emily Panos, Suzanne Mulcahy, Ruth Wadsworth and Randy Groover.

Randy Groover was the Toastmaster.
Sharon was the General Evaluator.
Eric (a guest) was the Grammarian.
Randy Lee was the Ah Counter.
Suzanne was the Vote Counter.
Suzanne was also the Timer.
Emily gave a speech entitled, 'The Benefits of Having a Pet'.
Ruth was the Table Topics Master.
Samya evaluated Emily's speech.

The theme or the meeting was: Memorabilia
The word of the day was: Nostalgia

Samya gave a mentoring session on the Competent Leader manual.

Friday, March 1, 2013

February 25, 2013 Club Meeting

Present at the meeting were Sharon Pappas, Ruth Wadsworth, Samya Boxberger-Oberoi, Emily Panos and Randy Groover.

Ruth was the Toastmaster.
Samya was the General Evaluator.
Ruth was also the Grammarian.
Eric (a guest) was the Timer.
Sharon gave a speech entitled, 'Aspirations, Accomplishments and Goals'.
Randy was the Table Topics Master.
Emily evaluated Sharon's speech.

The theme of the meeting was: Opportunities
The word of the day was: Cultivate