Friday, May 3, 2013

April 22, 2013 Club Meeting

Present at the meeting were: Samya Boxberger-Oberoi, Randy Lee, Lara Miller, Suzanne Mulcahy, David Nazzaro, Emily Panos, Venkat Senapati, and Ruth Wadsworth. Venkat was the Toastmaster. Samya was the General Evaluator. Ruth was the Grammarian. Suzanne was the Ah Counter. David was the Vote Counter. Lara was the Timer.

Speaker: Emily Panos

Manual: Speech #3 “Get to the Point”
Title: “How to change a tire”

Emily gave a synopsis of her experiences in changing her own tire. She created a 5 step process in doing this task.
  1. Be prepared: Be in a safe place and use flares or reflective devices.
  2. Have everything you need: Sanitizer, diamond jack, tire iron, etc.
  3. Loosen the lug nuts first, while the tire is down.
  4. Put diamond jack under the car and crank it up. Take off the lug nuts and place them in a safe place. Remove the old tire and put on the new one. Put the lug nuts on from the top to bottom, then left to right.
  5. Put the car down with the weight on the tire, then tighten up the lug nuts. Put everything away and proceed to the nearest store to replace the tire.
Speech Evaluator: David

David gave the evaluation of Emily’s speech. He stated that Emily was well organized, and did not use any notes. She had excellent eye contact, and used good hand gestures. David suggested that Emily could move around a bit more to make her speech more animated. He further stated that her speech was well organized and followed a logical sequence.

Suzanne was the Table Topics Master. The theme of the meeting was: Earth Day; The word of the day was: Sustainable.