Friday, May 3, 2013

April 8, 2013 Club Meeting

Present at the meeting were: Randy Lee, Eric Yan, David Nazzaro, Suzanne Mulcahy, Emily Panos, Venkat Senapati, Samya Boxberger-Oberoi, and Ruth Wadsworth. Suzanne was the Toastmaster. Ruth was the General Evaluator. Venkat was the Grammarian. Randy was the Ah Counter. Randy was the Vote Counter. Eric Y. was the Timer.

Speaker: David Nazzaro

  • Manual: Speech #2 “Organize Your Speech”

  • Title: “Ray Lewis”

  • David gave his second speech enriching his skills of organizing his speech. He gave a very moving talk about the life of Ray Lewis. David began by talking about Ray Lewis as a nine year old boy anxiously awaiting a visit from his father, who never came. He made the life of this young boy seem so alive, we were able to share in his experience of loss and disappointment.

    David continued sharing moments in Ray Lewis’ life through specific examples on how he coped with his life by being intensely motivated and exercising through his many low points. His strong abilities to focus and push himself brought him much success.

    David ended his speech my sharing the story of Ray Lewis visiting with his father and grandfather for the first time. The insights he gained brought a since of purpose and magic to his life, as he finally broke the cycle of five generations of neglectful fathering.

    Speech Evaluator: Samya
    Samya gave an evaluation of David’s speech. She said that his speech told the story of human nature. It demonstrated how in one moment of loss, you could take your life in one direction or another with the determination to rise above the situation. David gave vivid images and brought the life of Ray Lewis to life. He was well organized and he gave the presentation in chronological order. Samya’s only suggestion was for David to “chill a little”. He brought his speech to a close with a powerful conclusion about breaking the cycle of generations of neglect. It was an inspiring speech.

    Emily was the Table Topics Master. The theme of the meeting was: Spring; The word of the day was: Vernal