Sunday, June 1, 2014

May 19, 2014 Club Meeting

The following is a summary of the minutes from our May 19th meeting.

Meeting Location:   San Mateo City Hall, San Mateo, CA     6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.


Present at the meeting were: Randy, David, Lara, Aditi, Trey, Eric, Samya, Brenda, Martin and Glenn.
There were six guests: Barbara, Fong, Nan, Nishal, Jorge and Felicia

Eric was the Toastmaster; Lara was the General Evaluator; Randy was the Grammarian; Brenda was the Ah Counter; Fernando was the Table Topics Master; Trey was the Vote Counter and the Timer.

Samya started the meeting with a warm welcome to all of the new guests.  Samya also spoke with the club about the upcoming meeting on 6/9 where all the members are encouraged to each give a speech on a meeting role and tailor it to a project from one of the communication manuals. Roles (as speech topics) will be assigned at the next meeting on 6/2, speeches will be presented on 6/9 and a meeting with evaluations of the Role speeches will take place on 6/16.

Samya also mentioned the following officer roles are becoming available: Sergeant of Arms and VP of Membership as well as helping Suzanne with the Secretary role.

The club members also received the terrific news that David passed the bar exam.  Three cheers for David!

Trey returned from his trip to China and promised to share photos and stories from his adventures.

The theme of the meeting was: “Heat wave”; The word of the day was: “Humidity”.

Samya, the first Evaluator, gave an introduction outlining the speech criteria for project #2, Organize Your Speech, including that the speaker should select an appropriate outline to allow listeners to easily follow and understand the speech, create a strong opening and conclusion.  Martin, the second Evaluator, gave an introduction to Glenn’s speech, outlining the speech criteria, also for project #2, Organize Your Speech, including that the speaker should make his message clear and use appropriate transitions when moving from one idea to another.

Speaker #1:  Aditi:  “Seven Degrees Fahrenheit”

Competent Communication Project 2:  “Organize Your Speech”

Aditi spoke on the topic of climate change, explaining why we should care and how climate change is different from global warming, to which it is frequently referred.
Aditi explained the three major causes of climate change:

·         Fossil fuels

·         Deforestation

·         Solar output
Aditi explained three major ways in which climate change would affect our lives:

·         Rise in sea level

·         Increase in mosquito population

·         Shortage of water
Aditi incorporated the theme of the day and acknowledged Samya’s speech on Aquaponics (from 4/7/2014 meeting).

Evaluation:    Samya evaluated Aditi’s speech.  Samya noted Aditi’s explanation of the difference between climate change and global warming was very helpful.  Aditi’s research showed and she is well-informed about the topic.  Samya noted Aditi should slow down in her presentation to make her message more powerful and noted Aditi should explain acronyms if she chooses to use them in her speech.  Samya detailed that Aditi’s definition of the greenhouse effect was helpful and how human behavior is effecting climate change more than the sun.  Aditi was well-organized, circling back to original question: “Why should we care about climate change?”.

Speaker #2:  Glenn:  “Kayak Polo”

Competent Communication Project 2:  “Organize Your Speech”

Glenn used PowerPoint for his presentation.  Glenn started off his speech with a question asking if anyone heard of kayak polo before.  Confirming that no one had, Glenn explained that kayak polo combines kayaking with the ball-handling skills of a contact game.  Glenn shared a brief history of kayak polo including an 1875 illustration depicting the sport.  Glenn’s PowerPoint presentation included an animation with a humorous depiction of gameplay in which the audience laughed.  Glenn distinguished legal moves (like pushing another person) and illegal moves (like steering a kayak onto another kayak during play), inciting more laughter from the audience.  Glenn’s presentation also included a video demonstrating a paddle-roll and ended his presentation by letting the audience know they could see Glenn’s group, Berkeley Kayak Polo by checking meetup online.

Evaluation: Martin evaluated Glenn’s speech.  Martin noted that Glenn was well-organized and connected to the audience.  Glenn’s graphics were easy to understand and Martin appreciated details like the dimensions of the field, the great animations (acknowledging they are very time-consuming to do) and Glenn’s examples and explanation of the rules.  Martin noted Glenn should also slow down when he speaks to make his presentation more powerful.  Martin also indicated Glenn did very well using PowerPoint without a remote.  Martin appreciated that Glenn provided additional resources for information at the end of the presentation, creating a strong conclusion.

Table Topics:  Fernando was kind enough to step up at the last minute to the role of Table Topics Master.  Fernando asked questions related to heat waves, the theme of the meeting.  Barbara spoke about her recent desert experience, where she experienced extremely high temperatures.  Eric shared tips on how to prepare for an impending heat wave.  Brenda spoke about cool activities she would plan to do if she knew a heat wave was coming.  Barbara won the ribbon for the best table topics speaker.

General Evaluation:  Lara applauded Fernando and Trey for stepping in at the last minute to fill additional roles.  Lara noted that if a remote for a presentation was missing for a future PowerPoint presentation, a meeting member could volunteer to advance slides for a presenter as a “human clicker”, allowing the speaker to move away from the laptop during the presentation.

Samya reminded the club that no meeting would be held on 5/26 due to the holiday. Samya also reminded people to think about the roles they would want to make a speech about on 6/9 and reminded people to email her if they are interested in an available officer position.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:30

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