Sunday, June 7, 2015

April 20, 2015 Club Meeting

Chamber Speakers Circle Toastmasters

April 20, 2015

Attendees: Aditi, Chris, Joe, Lara, Lefteris, Randy Lee, Samya and Trey
Guests: JP, Sergio

Theme of the day: Spring
Word of the day:  configuration

Samya reminded everyone about the upcoming district conference.  She mentioned there are funds available to apply to someone’s trip to the District conference.  Samya proposes having a special event with multiple speakers or a raffle to determine who would go.  District conference is in Santa Clara on May 16th.  Trey and Aditi are interested in attending,  Samya will send an email to follow up with missing club members.  All the winners of the division contests will be competing.

Aditi reminded everyone about the video contest and wants to get lines from people after the contest.

Trey was the Toastmaster, Joe led Table Topics, Lara was the General Evaluator, Sergio was the timer, and Randy Lee was the Ah Counter

Table Topics:  Joe led Table Topics, on the subject of work: good days and bad days.  Lara, Randy Lee, Chris, Trey and Lefteris shared stories using the word of the day: configuration.

Speaker:  Samya
Speech: How to Prepare and Present a Speech Communicating on Video Project #5 Instructing on the Internet
Part 1: Presentation recording

Chris introduced the objectives.
Samya started her equipment and after getting set up, she went over how to select a project, outlining the objectives and sharing images of the pages from the book.  Samya verbally explained the content such as the executive summary, detailed description and advised on how she customized her presentation based on the project criteria.
1.    Executive Summary
2.    Project description
3.    Objectives – what she will be evaluated on
After points 1, 2 and 3, develop a strategy:
·         Where – selecting a room
·         Selecting a time – offering online training available anytime
·         Choosing the equipment, rehearsing the speech
·         Don’t read the slides, focus on main points
·         Select the best tool for the presentation
o   Example: preparing a PowerPoint, recording the audio and slide transitions. 
Samya ended her presentation by encouraging others to develop and implement their own strategies for communicating with video.

Speaker:  Aditi
Speech: To know or not to know, that is the question, Project #9 Persuade with Power

Lefteris introduced the objectives.
Aditi spoke about the availability of information, and how much data can be recorded.  She spoke about how information is collected and then pondered where the collected information goes.  Aditi declared that we should all know what happens to information on ourselves and saying there should be more transparency, since someone is making these decisions in secret.
She spoke about Julian Asange and Edward Snowden as well as Sony’s information security breech.  Aditi thinks the public should decide what information should be public and what should be private.  

Political information should be shared in order to hold governments responsible.
Aditi gave an example of an actress disputing a salary discrepancy with Sony based on information shared from the Sony information leak.  Wikileaks had released information about brutality, letting everyone know what water-boarding really was and that this was happening in prisons run by the United States.
Instead of condemning the people who reveal information, we should educate ourselves on what we should know and what should be kept private and we should have the right to dictate where our information goes.
Aditi encourages everyone to think about it and get involved in the politics.

Lara called on her team of evaluators.

Evaluator #1:  Chris on Samya’s speech: How to Prepare and Present a Speech
Chris thought Samya’s voice was consistent and gestures were good.  He said she was making eye contact with her audience, but not with the camera.
Chris thought Samya was informed and connected well with her physical audience.  He recommended being more aware of camera presence

Evaluator #2: Lefteris on Aditi’s speech To know or not to know, that is the question

Lefteris said Aditi has a natural stage presence that always comes across.
He said she met her objectives when she encouraged everyone to be more politically active about data privacy issues.  Lefteris said Aditi made logical arguments, had an easy to follow structure, with short and effective sentences.
He said Aditi should share where she works to improve credibility.  Lefteris said her examples (show business versus human rights) should be aligned with her calls to action.

There was no Table Topics contest

The meeting ended late at 7:20

Roles for Meeting 4/27/15:

Toastmaster: Aditi Theme:  
General Evaluator:  Trey
Speaker 1: Joe
Evaluator 1: Lara
Speaker 2: Samya
Evaluator #2:  OPEN
Table Topics: Randy Lee
Grammarian: Chris  Word of the day: _______
Timer: OPEN
Ah Counter:  OPEN
Vote Counter:  OPEN

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