Sunday, June 7, 2015

April 27, 2015 Club Meeting

Chamber Speakers Circle Toastmasters

April 27, 2015

Attendees: Lara, Leif, Randy, David the Area Governor, Annamarie, Martin, Joe, Samya, Chris, Trey
Guests:  Jorge, Belinda

Theme of the day: Sleep
Word of the day:  tender

Samya reminded everyone about the upcoming district conference.  She mentioned Aditi, Annamarie and Trey would attend the District conference.  Samya indicated she would send out an email with more information.
District conference is in Santa Clara on May 16th.

Aditi reminded everyone about the video contest and wants to get lines from people after the contest.

Aditi was the Toastmaster, Randy Lee led Table Topics, Trey was the General Evaluator, Chris was the Grammarian, Annamarie was the timer, Leif was the Ah Counter, Martin was the Vote Counter

Table Topics:  Randy Lee led Table Topics

Speaker:  Joe
Speech: Mental Fatigue Awareness Project #5 Research your Topic

Hours of Service – Department of Transportation employee research established the basic rule.  The Basic Rule established 8 hours to get quantitative sleep?
Good sleep is defined as quantitative sleep – people could risk their own lives and co-workers’ lives by not getting quality rest.  Joe noted exhaustion could affect immune system and personal system, circadian rhythm.

Joe related to most of us when discussing using the alarm clock.  He discussed sleep centers that could help with sleep disorders diagnosis.  Joe shared he had discovered he had a sleep disorder and described the wires that were applied for the sleep test.  He said his sleeping improved after discovering he had a sleep disorder.  Over-sleeping is as bad as poor sleep quality.

Speaker:  Samya
Speech: Yoga for Voice improvement and tonality  Project #3 The Persuasive Approach
David introduced the objectives.

Samya spoke about being a polished speaker, being seen as trustworthy and credible.  She outlined ways to become a better speaker.  Practice is the first one.
Samya indicated that feedback helps, but asked what we can do with the feedback?  She shared that she consistently received feedback saying her voice needs to improve.  She indicated the weakness of her voice made it hard for people to hear what she is saying and they are interested.

Voice tonality has to do with breathing, not shyness.  Samya connected this with yoga, which is focused on breathing and her focus of study.  She started practicing yoga exercises for breathing.  Samya paused, breathe and projected her voice in demonstration of what she learned when practicing her mantra.

Samya went into detail about the Om Mantra and the steps, using gestures to show how she learned how to project her voice.  With Mantra, the intent is to build energy and attune the body with the earth.  She demonstrated how to use the same sound with her voice.

·         Kokikasana
·         Sarvangasana
·         Simhasana
·         Yoga Prathna

·         Breathing:
·         Ujjaji
·         Bharamani

Samya listed the exercises on the board that would help speakers improve vocal tonality and improve physical and mental health.

Trey called on his team of evaluators.

Evaluator #1:  Lara evaluated Joe’s speech

Evaluator #2: David the Area Governor evaluated Samya’s speech

Chris noted terrific phrases used in today’s meeting.

David the Area Governor noted the enthusiastic applause throughout the meeting.  He recommended technical problems should be let go and suggested people should move to the front when participating in Table Topics.

Leif won the Table Topics contest.

The meeting ended at 7:18

 Roles for the next meeting 5/4/15:

Toastmaster:  Lara,  Theme:  Music

General Evaluator:  Aditi
Speaker 1:  Trey project #4
Evaluator 1:  Annamarie
Speaker 2:  Pieter
Evaluator #2:   Samya
Table Topics:  Chris
Grammarian:    Word of the day: _______
Timer: OPEN
Ah Counter:  OPEN
Vote Counter:  OPEN

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