Monday, July 19, 2010

July 12, 2010 Executive Committee Meeting

Present at the meeting were: Ruth Wadsworth (VPE & VPM), Samya Boxberger-Oberoi (VPPR), Nancy Johnson(Treasurer) and Randy Groover (President & Secretary).

Officer Reports:

The President reported that 3 DCP goals had been obtained.
The President indicated that we would install the new officers at the next meeting.

The Treasurer reported that she was receiving statements regularly.

The Secretary reported that he was behind in updates to the Blog, but hoped to catch up in July.

Agenda Items:

The President reported that the alias problem involving the BCC: and CC: lines is still outstanding.

The club's participation in the San Mateo Expo was discussed in depth. The President was tasked to contact Linda Asbury requesting a booth and to write an e-mail to the club indicating that our meeting on 9/20 was cancelled and that we would be participating at the Expo on 9/22 instead. The Vice President of Public Relations was tasked with writing an e-mail to the club membership soliciting helpers to populate the booth during the Expo.

Officer training was discussed.

The next Executive Committee meeting will be held on August 9, 2010.