Present at the meeting were: Nancy Johnson (Treasurer), Samya Boxberger-Oberoi (VPPR), Ruth Wadsworth (VPE & VPM), Spencer Hatfield (Sgt. at Arms) and Randy Groover (President & Secretary).
Officer Reports:
The President reported that we have achieved 5 DCP goals and have 19 members with two membership applications accepted this evening. So we have become a Distinguished Club.
The Treasurer reported that she had not received the bank statements or check that we thought had been sent to her by Linda Asbury back in May. The President took it as an action item to contact Linda Asbury to see when the statements and check would be mailed.
The Sgt. at Arms requested that the members give him feedback on the short speech he is giving in order to call our meetings to order.
Agenda Items:
The Treasurer reported that Toastmasters International (TI) now has acknowledged that Randy Lee and George Lee are current with their dues.
The President reported that he filed form 199-N with the State of California.
The VPPR agreed to contact Linda Asbury regarding the club's participation at the San Mateo County Business Expo on September 28th.
The VPPR agreed to monitor the changes that TI is making with their 'rebranding' initiative and inform us of any action the club needs to take in response to that initiative.
The following candidates were elected to the Executive Committee for the July to December term:
Linda Asbury - President
Randy Groover - VPE
Spencer Hatfield - VPM
Samya Boxberger-Oberoi - VPPR
Ruth Wadsworth - Secretary
Nancy Johnson - Treasurer
Wing T. Tsoi - Sgt. at Arms
The concept of an 'enhanced evaluation method' was discussed and adopted on a voluntary basis.
The Treasurer & the President discussed the problem where the telephone numbers of new members are being truncated when they are added to the TI website. The Treasurer and the President will continue to research this issue.
It was decided that the officers should attend Officer Training together (the Treasurer was exempted due to the fact that she would have to travel a long distance to attend the training). The club will provide compensation for the officers who attend training together if they decide to dine out after the training.
The next Executive Committee Meeting will be held on July 11, 2011