Saturday, August 23, 2014

August 18, 2014 Club Meeting

Chamber Speakers Circle Toastmasters

August 18, 2014

Attendees: David Nazzaro, Kira, Lara, Fernando, Brenda, Sharon, Samya, Aditi, Terri, Suzanne
Guests: Gabriel from Brazil, Gustavo (TM from Switzerland), Manthan Kothari (TM from LA), Shiyu Tan (TM from LA), Yanira, Caroline (San Mateo Toastmasters Club)

Theme of the day: Automobiles
Word of the day: elegant

Glenn was the Toastmaster; Brenda was the General Evaluator; David K. was the Grammarian, Samya was the Ah Counter, and Lara was the Timer.

Samya started the meeting, announcing that we are now a Selected Distinguished Club 2013 - 2014.  Samya congratulated all the officers on attending/completing trainings.  All the officers Stood up and spoke about their roles.

Aditi told everyone about the upcoming Evaluation and Humor Speech Contests.  The club’s contest will be held next week.  The winners of the contests will represent the club in the Area contest.  The Area contest will be on 9/15 at the College of San Mateo at 6:30 p.m.  Samya moved to have the club hold its Monday meeting on 9/15 at the contest so we be able to  support our club representatives.

Suzanne reminded everyone dues $46 are coming up in September.

Speaker:  Aditi: Speech Lessons from a Speech Coach, Project #4, How to Say it
David N. gave the objectives of Aditi’s’s speech project and Glenn gave an introduction. 

Aditi shared her experience hearing Patricia Fripp’s speech about being a good speaker.  She shared the Fripp Speech Model diagram with the group.  Three important ingredients to a good speech:
·         Content: The content should be interesting to the audience.  If it isn’t, how do you make people care about the content?  One way is to give stories.  Aditi says stories help the audience relate when a story is shared.  Aditi said people should build a repertoire of stories.
·         Structure: Determines how the audience perceives what you have to say.  The premise should be one sentence.  Strong closings are important.
·         Delivery: How do you present what you have to say?  Speeches are better when you are conversational.  “Specificity builds credibility.”  Being concise helps people understand better.

Aditi emphasized practice makes permanent.  Aditi encouraged everyone to speak more here at Toastmasters.

Speaker:  Terri: Speech Project #1, Icebreaker
Suzanne listed the objectives of Terri’s speech project.

Terri spoke about running.  Terri shared experiences from PE class in school and how her sinuses impacted her respiration.  In 2011 Terri had an impulse to run.  She recalled being exhausted and sore, but delighted at the same time, enjoying the colors of Autumn.   She set a goal to go farther for the next day, and continued to set more goals to move farther each day, crossing streets and increasing her distance.  

Terri fell in love with running.  Terri thought she was incapable of running but now she realizes it is all possible.  Terri encourages everyone to run or to do what they love to be happy.  Running also inspired Terri to join Toastmasters, to overcome another obstacle.  Terri reminded us in both cases, to “breathe and go forth”.

Table Topics:  Fernando was the Table Topics Master.  Fernando asked questions about quick change, an improv game inspired by “Whose Line is it Anyway”.
Fernando selected a High School scenario:
·         Girls night Out: Samya, Aditi and Sharon

Brenda called on her team of evaluators.

Evaluator #1:  David N. on Aditi’s speech: Speech Lessons from a Speech Coach
David N.  liked Aditi’s speech, he thought Aditi had great eye contact, voice projection and  noted how much Aditi has improved.  David N. commented on Aditi’s handout stating that the content on the handout could be a source for multiple speeches.  David liked the wise quotes Aditi used and how Aditi reminded everyone to use this club as a resource for practice..

Evaluator #2: Suzanne on Terri’s speech: Breathe and Go Forth
Suzanne enjoyed Terri’s speech about running and how small journeys can help people reach a larger goal.   Suzanne said it was a wonderful speech about perseverance.  Terri’s story ended with inspiration on how to do what we love.  Suzanne thinks as Terri becomes more comfortable, that she will use more of the space.

Due to the format of the Table Topics, there was no winner.
The meeting ended late: 7:23

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