Monday, August 11, 2014

Chamber Speakers Circle Toastmasters

July 14, 2014

Attendees: David N., Suzanne, Lara, Glenn, Randy, Leif, Martin, Vishal
Guest:  Shashi, David Kuwaye

Theme of the day: July 4th
Word of the day: Tyranny


·         Toastmaster: David
·         Table Topics: Lara
·         Speaker #1: Glenn
·         Speaker #2: Shashi
·         Grammarian: Randy
·         Timer: Martin
·         Ah Counter: Vishal
·         Vote Counter: Vishal
·         Evaluator #1: Leif
·         Evaluator #2: Lara
·         General Evaluator: Suzanne

Speaker:  Glenn: "Is Programming doe everybody?", Speech Project #3, Get to the Point
Glenn’s speech was about programming and living in Silicon Valley, surrounded by technology.  Glenn went on to explain that “Code programming literacy” (learning to program) would improve cognitive abilities.  Like learning a new language, the construction of sentences, by learning to program (and do it well) you can earn a lot of money and improve cognitive skills and abilities.

Glenn spoke about how different people are experts in different fields, citing club members (two in the room) as examples.  Glenn said learning how to program is not a survival skill, but it is helpful in building other skills.

Evaluator #1:  Leif re: Glenn’s speech: Is Programming doe everybody?
Leif evaluated Glenn’s speech, saying that Glenn’s speech supported the purpose and the contributing material.  The beginning body and conclusion supported the topic.  Leif said Glenn appeared confident and noted Glenn only had to use notes once.  Leif encouraged Glenn to keep practicing with motions and speech patterns.

Round Table Evaluation: 

·         Martin noted Glenn could improve eye contact, and that code programming could be tied to more personal connections, relating it to more common activities.
·         Lara noted Glenn’s pacing has gotten much better.  Suzanne agreed that programming is very useful, noting Samya as an example with linguistics and programming giving her an advantage in the job market.

·         David K. liked Glenn’s confidence and the opening, how Glenn made it relate to others.  David indicated that when Glenn pointed out people in the audience, which was really nice (like Randy did in a previous presentation).
·         David N. also liked Glenn’s use of names from the audience, noted an improvement in confidence and how well Glenn used the stage, that the speech was well-structured and that Glenn probably didn’t need to use his notes, indicating that Glenn could use an outline rather than a written draft (harder to see).

·         Vishal noted Glenn’s confidence, and thought that Glenn taking his time was a good thing, eye contact and smiling could have been better, less serious, maybe a reference to a nerd.  Vishal empathisized with Glenn speaking about a lingo that others aren’t familiar with.

·         Suzanne also mentioned a personal story would bring in the audience more when making presentations.  Vishal suggested everyone share their tips for “Best Practices”
      Lara recommends turning a draft from an outline to an acronym (letters)
·         Randy advised really knowing your subject so that notes aren’t needed
·         Martin advised talking about subjects you are invested in, passionate about
·         Suzanne uses stories to connect to the audience, so that she can relate to them and give them a way to access the content.
    Glenn read that memorizing the opening and conclusion and have an outline for the middle.  Vishal shared his memory of Steve Job’s Stanford commencement speech and that Jobs used stories, knowing your audience is, what they are interested in and prepare for the questions.
     David K. noted that speakers should try to make eye contact with each and every person in the audience (if possible).  David N. recommends watching great speakers on Youtube and reiterated that stories and emotion help people remember speech and an audience connect.  David also recommended developing time management skills and video recording your speech and watching it without sound.  David also recommended the book the Excellent Presenter.
Table Topics:  Lara ran Table Topics, asking questions about fireworks and Independence day and vacation day activities.  Vishal announced Martin won best topics speaker.

Suzanne commended the group on jumping in when major roles were vacant due to absences.

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