Chamber Speakers Circle Toastmasters
Attendees: David N, Fernando, Lara,
Leif, Brenda, David K., Suzanne, Glenn, Vishal, Aditi, Terri
Guest: Donovan, Kira
Theme of the day: the dog days of summer
Word of the day: lexicon
· Toastmaster:
David K.
Topics: Aditi
#1: Leif
#2: Glenn
Timer: Suzanne
Counter: Fernando
Counter: Brenda
#1: David
#2: Aditi
Evaluator: Vishal
Speaker#1: Leif: Global
Navigation Best Practices and Recreations, Speech Project #2, Organize Your Speech
David N introduced the objectives.
Leif explained his presentation for work,
based on research. Leif showed the
audience the hamburger line icon that helps people navigate on a site, sharing
handouts on how the "cells" work, showing lists that lead to other
lists, and how the carrot icon indicates another list, and darker cells at the
top show the trail called "breadcrumbs". Darker colors were used to indicate previous
menus. Test users found the darker
colors for previous steps and lighter colors for the current step easy to
Speaker#2: Glenn: Story,
Speech Project #5, How Your Body Speaks
Aditi introduced the objectives.
Glenn started his speech discussing using
body language to tell a story and then decided to tell a story like telling a
story to children. Glenn read a short
story called “The man and the dandelion”; Glenn walked around and gestured with
his free hand, and also waved his hand when saying "I'm a weed!". Glenn then shared a story about love and
sacrifice, the "Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein. Glenn ended the story with "and the tree
was happy".
Table Topics: Aditi led an impromptu
Table Topics session, mentioning training's suggestion is to practice table
topics. David N. shared a story about
his friend (guest) Donovan. Lara, Ruth,
Donovan, Suzanne and Brenda spoke.
Vishal called on David to evaluate Leif.
Evaluator #1: David
on Leif’s speech: Global Navigation Best Practices and Recreations
David acknowledged how well Leif has
developed as a speaker, noting Leif's organization, not needing notes, and the
handouts were nice. Leif’s cough was
distracting, maybe bring water next time.
Leif personalized his speech by acknowledging Glenn in the audience.
Evaluator #2: Aditi evaluated
Glenn. Glenn was much more expressive, explained the purpose, and used
the space and had more tonality. Aditi recommended that Glenn tie
experiences back to his life and indicate the relevance. Tonality and
body movement were good.
Round Table Evaluations:
· Lara thought Leif showed no fear, communicates
well on subjects he's knowledgeable on.
Fernando appreciated the handouts.
· Aditi mentioned Leif looked confident as well,
he may want to add more relevance for the audience,
Donovan mentioned Leif could have brought up the
"purpose “more, to add clarity.
· Vishal appreciated the handouts (his plan B) and
noted Leif could move around more, improve body language.
David K thought Glenn's gestures were well done,
it had good flow.
Terri really appreciated the Giving Tree story
and thought it was touching, that Glenn could have used a larger variety of
Suzanne loved Glenn's expressions, and thought
it was well-done. Suzanne suggested
Glenn could have a prop book as a story teller.
Brenda video-taped the speech.
David N. appreciated that Glenn used his notes,
and did his speech even though he had a tough week. David N. noted Glenn's pacing has improved
and could improve his eye contact.
· Vishal thought Glenn looked professional and
serious, but he could’ve taken a risk.
Vishal’s overall
evaluation: David K. did a wonderful job as toastmaster, appreciated Lara's
lexicon, and thanked Donovan, the guest.
Donovan won the Table
Topics contest.
Suzanne reminded people
the dues are being collected $46 for all of the members, starting next week.
Adjourned early at 7:14
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