Monday, March 9, 2015

January 5, 2015 Club Meeting

Chamber Speakers Circle Toastmasters
January 5, 2015

Attendees: David N., David K., Samya, Lefteris, Lief, Suzanne, Annamarie, and Lara
Guests: Chino

Samya introduced the coming events of Toastmasters which are the club contest in March, and the officer trainings in January and February.  She then asked each one of us to give a 30 second introduction and what we are committed to complete this term. 

The following are the responses of those present:

1.     David K. said he would do a speech next month.
2.    Lief said that he would complete two speeches, one per month in the next three months.
3.    David N. would complete 25 speeches in the next three months.
4.    Lara would complete 16 speeches in the next three months.
5.    Suzanne would complete her keynote speech within the next three months.
6.    Annamarie would complete her Competent Communicator this term.
7.    Samya would complete her Silver award this term. 

Samya then opened the floor to the members for spontaneous Table Topic questions.  Members would respond to their question then choose the next member and ask a question for them to answer. 

This was a unique way to hold a Toastmaster’s meeting when there had not been an agenda and roles for the meeting.  Everyone enjoyed the event.

Samya asked for the guest’s remarks and then closed the meeting. 

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