Monday, May 11, 2015

April 13, 2015 Club Meeting

Chamber Speakers Circle Toastmasters

April 13, 2015

Attendees: Annamarie, David K, Lara, Lefteris, Randy Lee, Samya and Martin
Guests: Sergio

Theme of the day: Comedy
Word of the day: humorous

Samya spoke about the EC meeting that will take place following this meeting.  Samya also noted that a decision will need to be made regarding club meeting frequency. 

David K was the General Evaluator, Sergio was the Ah Counter and Grammarian, Randy was the Vote Counter and Martin was the timer.

Speaker:  Martin
Speech: Travel, Travel Travel, Project #2 Organize your Speech

Lara introduced the objectives.
Martin spoke about his recent trip to Cambodia, Vietnam and Korea.  He started off by asking the audience if they loved travelling, inviting people to raise their hands with a gesture.  When one person didn’t, Martin asked why and the member said he never had many opportunities.  Martin shared his perspective about tours versus self-guided exploration.  Martin spoke about experiencing another culture and how he realized he was a guest and the importance of respecting another culture’s values and rules.  

Martin used body language to share his experience learning how to cross the street in Vietnam, tying it to his main idea of learning another culture’s rules.  Martin concluded with a story about speaking with a Korean person and how the Korean person didn’t like the messiness of America but really appreciated the freedom of expression.  Martin encouraged everyone to travel, to help understand other cultures as well as appreciate one’s own.

Speaker:  Annamarie
Speech: Never Give Up, Storytelling Project #5 Bring History to Life

Annamarie summarized the objectives from her missing book.
She spoke about Abraham Lincoln and his attempts to run for office, how he was often defeated and continued to run.  He helped the oppressed and those who were enslaved.  He made courageous decisions and drafted the Emancipation Proclamation that would free men from slavery.  One hundred years later, Martin Luther King Jr. showed courage in Selma Alabama. 

Annamarie personalized her speech by sharing her experience listening to a speech at church.  She wondered if she would take action and stand up for the oppressed.  Annamarie spoke of more recent events where people of color were victims/oppressed.  Annamarie spoke of “Black Lives Matter” and how a fear of failure would prevent her from moving forward and that she had to make a decision to be courageous.  Annamarie summarized by asking the audience if they would stand up to fear when faced with the decision to be courageous.

Table Topics:  Samya led Table Topics, on the subject of comedy.  Martin, David K, Lefteris, Sergio, Randy, Lara and Annamarie participated.

David called on his team of evaluators.

Evaluator #1:  Lara on Martin’s speech: Travel, Travel, Travel
Lara said Martin met his objectives.  Lara observed the speech was well-structured and Martin immediately engaged the audience by asking audience members to raise their hands with his own gesture.  He interacted with members based on their responses, which drew the audience in more.  Lara noted Martin shared his personal perspective on the travel tours he went on as a child and how he found his own way of travelling as an adult.  

Lara noted Martin incorporated a lot of gestures in his speech to illustrate the experiences he had during his vacation.  Lara mentioned that adding vocal variety could enhance the “storytelling” aspect of Martin’s presentation, though his voice was fine for this speech.  Lara noted Martin’s strong conclusion: that by travelling and experiencing other cultures, one can also develop an appreciation for their own culture as well.

Evaluator #2: Round table on Annamarie’s speech: Never Give Up

Lefteris said he found Annamarie’s speech engaging and how she highlighted having motivation and communicated effectively.  Lefteris thought Annamarie could have balanced facts about specific historical figures. 

Samya asked if the speech was about the development of a historical event and if the speech objectives should be more about a historical event rather than multiple historical figures.  Samya thought it was a fascinating and well-developed speech and encouraged Annemarie to focus on one event or historical figure. 

Randy Lee noted that Annamarie keeps getting better and better.  Randy Lee expressed that mention of events in Ferguson kind of turned him off to what the topic of the speech was, the focus was spread out. 

Sergio thought Annamarie’s speech was great and felt the topic was on a person and noted how the topic shifted.  Sergio said he came away with the impression that she was encouraging people to find courage.

Lara said it was magnificent, a strong speech that was well-expressed.  Lara noted the use of facts and acknowledged the challenge of remembering and using facts as evidence for this particular project.

David K said Annamarie’s speech was very well written and that she efficiently expressed the topic of having courage and how it related to fear.

Martin admired Annamarie’s powerful projection and agreed with others that the story shifted focus. Martin noted Annamarie’s topics focus on the same topic: Activism.  Martin encouraged Annamarie to try other topics to develop skills.

Annamarie won the Table Topics contest.

The meeting ended at 7:20

 Roles for the next meeting on 4/20:

Toastmaster: Annamarie Theme:  
General Evaluator:  Lara
Speaker 1: Samya
Evaluator 1: David K
Speaker 2: Aditi
Evaluator #2: Lefteris
Table Topics: Randy Lee
Grammarian: OPEN   Word of the day: _______
Timer: OPEN
Ah Counter:  OPEN
Vote Counter:  OPEN

March 30, 2015 Club Meeting

Chamber Speakers Circle Toastmasters
March 30, 2015

Attendees: Samya, Leif, David K., Suzanne, David N., Joe, Annamarie, Aditi, Lara, and Trey
Guests: No guests

Theme of the day:  Spring Time 

Suzanne was the Toastmaster; Lara was the General Evaluator; David N. was the Grammarian, Aditi was the Ah Counter, and Trey was the Timer.

Samya started the meeting by making announcements.

Speaker #1:  Leif:  “Responsive Navigation:  Visual Design 2014 - 2015”

Leif went through his new navigation system that was just completed and used several power point slides to explain this process.  He talked about the goals that needed to be met with this project.  Leif spoke of the requirements of the improved design, which are to make the site easier to use and less confusing.  When indicating the different brands, it is important to have the “story talk through a large picture, fonts, color needed, etc.”.  Each brand has their own home page.

Speaker #2:   Joe:  “Security is a Competition”        

Joe opened his speech with a story about a bear that immediately grabbed our attention.  He then talked about how the security training changed after the bombing in Oklahoma.  They were impressed by the intelligence of the terrorists.  They looked through the security system that they had and looked for potential vulnerability to eliminate intentional actions.

The team focused on three things:  The technology, The Practice, and The Accountability.  They created a two week training called, ”The Day After”.  It seems that the day after an event, we already start to forget it.  

Lara called on her team of evaluators.

Evaluator #1:  Annamarie evaluated Leif.  He knew this subject very well.  Leif was articulate, well organized.  He displayed a very sociable and kind demeanor.  Annamarie suggested that Leif use a pointer to clarify where we were to focus our attention and perhaps to stand up during his presentation.  It would also be helpful to give a brief introduction about the subject. 

Samya gave some additional comments about the technical aspects of his presentation. She further stated that he could clarify the specific desired results of his project and indicate when they were met.  This was a practice run for Leif as he is giving this presentation tomorrow, an excellent use of Toastmasters.   

Evaluator #2:  Samya evaluated Joe.  He established his credibility on the subject right away.  Joe defined the meaning of security very well and gave us his criteria.  It was the first time she had heard security combined with accountability.  The speech was well organized.  This is a difficult subject to address, and he drew us in.  Samya suggested that he use the more familiar term of “suicide bomber” and not “human born bomber”.  It was an overall very effective speech.      

Samya asked for remarks and then closed the meeting.  

March 23, 2015 Club Meeting

Chamber Speakers Circle Toastmasters
March 23, 2015

Attendees: Samya, David K., Suzanne, Chris and Joe
Guests: Jug and Maria

Theme of the day:  Spring

Joe was the Toastmaster; Suzanne was the General Evaluator; and Chris was the Timer.

Samya started the meeting by introducing the guests and making announcements.  She announced the possible split of Toastmasters District 4 and will make further announcements and the plans are finalized.

Speaker #1:  Samya:  Advanced Manual Series, “Presentation and Practice”

Samya gave an excellent speech on how to give a good presentation and practice for the desired results.  She is giving her first presentation on May 27th.  Samya shared the following ideas:
  1.  Practice is key.  Practice your ideas and not the words.  Memorize the opening and the ending.
  2.   From where are you speaking?  Do you have a lectern, a stage, etc. or a constricted space?  Always use your space to your advantage. 
  3. Who is your audience?  Speak to them so that you are understood. 
  4.  Microphone?  Have a microphone if the room is large so that you are heard with ease. 
  5.  What is the room condition?  The lighting, noise level, etc. are very important considerations.
  6.   Visuals are very effective and more memorable.
“Good luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity.”

Evaluator:  Since the group was small in number, we had a round table evaluation for Samya’s speech.  It was an excellent presentation with valuable ideas for us to utilize as we prepare to give a presentation.  The information was concise and to the point.  It was presented in an organized manner that was easy to follow.  The ending quote summarized the essence of her speech and high-lighted the meaning.  Samya’s voice tends to be soft at times so it important that she projects her voice.  Samya knew this subject well and appeared well prepared.    

Samya asked for the guests remarks and then closed the meeting. 

March 9, 2015 Club Meeting

Chamber Speakers Circle Toastmasters
March 9, 2015

Attendees: Samya, Lefteris, David K., Suzanne, Randy, Joe, Annamarie, and Chris
Guests: Tony

Theme of the day:  Springtime

Suzanne was the Toastmaster; David K. was the General Evaluator; Randy was the Ah Counter, and Tony was the Timer.

Samya started the meeting by introducing the guest and making announcements.

Speaker #1:  Samya:  Advanced Manual Series, “Release of My Book”

Samya gave a thorough description of her book and the meaning of this project.  She went into some detail on two of the major practices of the book.

1.     Practice of Mantra:   An instrument of thought
Leads to concepts (ideas), which leads to our reality
2.    Teaches us to have purpose
3.    Good breathing techniques
4.    Practice of meditation:  mindful living

Speaker #2:   Lefteris:  Project #2, “Value of Money”        

Lefteris began his speech by posing the question, “What is the value of money?”  He described the life on a Polynesian Island many years ago.  This island was isolated until the year 900.  The people used stones as a means to transfer ownership of possessions.  This was by verbal agreement.  Their monetary value was determined by their belief system.

At his current job, they place the value on internet services and products.  The value of websites that has been agreed upon is the number of clicks that it receives.  Lefteris continued to use personal stories and other examples of how we place value on money.  His main premise is that we place our values on a belief system that we all agree upon.     

David K. called on his team of evaluators.

Evaluator #1:  Joe evaluated Samya.  She projected well and had excellent use of vocal variety.  Good rationalizations,  anduse of concrete knowledge.  Samya talked about herself and you could really see the value of her work.  It would be very beneficial for Samya to share more of her credentials with her audience.  We would understand her expertise and experience.  This was an overall very good presentation.

Evaluator #2:  Annamarie evaluated Lefteris.  He made good use of props.  She liked the value of his speech and the explanation of money.  We have all heard the expression, “The Value of Money” and Lefteris made good use of the history he presented.  He used audience participation.  

Lefteris gave a great opening, body of speech and good conclusion.  He used antidotes, and personal experience, as well as the use of quotes about money.  Annamarie suggested that he pause during his speech to emphasize his main points and move to enhance his statements.  He had good vocal variety and gave an overall excellent speech. 

Samya asked for the guest remarks and then closed the meeting.