Wednesday, September 16, 2015

September 14, 2015 Club Meeting

Chamber Speakers Circle

September 14, 2015

Attendees: Annamarie, David N., Lara, Marina, Saurabh, Lefterris, Bacher and Samya and Eric and Aditi
Guests:    Gustavo

Theme of the day:  Challenges
Word of the day:   Craft

 Samya noted the club will not be using the Miller room consistently for future meetings, but will take place each week at the Chamber of Commerce building.

Saurabh was the Toastmaster, Annamarie was the General Evaluator, Gustavo was the Vote Counter, Eric was the Timer, Lefteris was the Grammarian and Lara was the Ah Counter.

Speaker #1:  Marina
Speech:    Show and Tell  Project #1 Ice Breaker

Samya introduced the speech’s objectives.  Marina started off by discussing her high standards.  Marina spoke about being a writer and how writing is more difficult for writers.  Marina spoke of the speech criteria, which was similar to a personal essay, how she approached writing this speech and how she came up with the format “Show & Tell”, since it is the way we started off in preschool.  

Marina showed the audience the “Family Fun” magazine because it shows her “mom” side.  She spoke on writing a story about a trapeze school in Oakland and how she took her family with her to have this experience to write about.  There was a photographer with her and she had to take notes on the whole experience and also be a mom and have the experience.  Marina noted the photographer, at one point, confiscated her notebook in order to photograph Marina as a participant.  She concluded with “what looks easy, isn’t always easy”.

Speaker #2:  Bacher
Speech:   Untitled Project #1 Ice Breaker

David introduced the speech’s objectives.  Bacher spoke about his career and the job that had the most impact in his life.  Bacher went to school for philosophy and genetics.  He dropped out of Berkeley right before graduating in order to pursue religion for a few years.  He became interested in computers, then started a job as a systems administrator for Visa.

Bacher noted how he delved into systems administration, working 15 hour-days, 6 days per week.  He spoke about the data center that was being set up in Japan and how he would go to Japan to work 48 hours in the center, without leaving each trip and he did this for 3 trips.

Bacher spoke about his coworker who went with him and had a heart attack during one of the trips.  He decided to resign to stop being a workaholic, because it was having a negative impact on his personal life.   Bacher said his experience at Visa had the most impact because it taught him such an important life lesson.

Table Topics:   Aditi led Table Topics with the “Table Talk” card deck.  Eric, Annamarie, David N., Lara and Gustavo participated.

Saurabh called on his team of evaluators:

Evaluator #1:  Samya evaluated Marina’s speech.   

Samya noted Marina’s confidence and comfort with the audience.  She noted that we got to know Marina as a writer.  Samya noted Marina showed us the magazine she wrote for as well as other topics.  She noted Marina spoke clearly and that Marina had a good opening and good flow.  Samya expressed that Marina looked confident and comfortable when she was speaking.  Marina didn’t use notes.  She suggested that Marina use her manual on her next speeches, since it is a useful tool for evaluating and providing project guidelines.

Evaluator #2:  David evaluated Bacher’s speech.  

David spoke about Bacher’s gestures, how he started in one pose but opened up as he spoke.  He said Bacher didn’t use the notes he carried.  David thought that the term “workaholic” summed up his speech and experience.  He would have loved to hear more about how others could deal with similar challenges.  David thought it was an intelligent and relatable speech.

The meeting ended at 7:12.

Local Only Speech Contest and Open House 9/21/2015

Toastmaster: Samya
Humorous Speech Contest
Evaluation Contest
Test Speaker
Eric, project #4




August 17, 2015 Club Meeting

Chamber Speakers Circle

August 17, 2015

Attendees: Annamarie, David N., Lara, Suzanne, Marina, Saurabh and Samya and Terri
Guests:    Bacher, Namisha,

Theme of the day:  Hot August Nights
Word of the day:   nostalgia

Samya reminded us that officer training is coming soon.
Samya noted the club is moving to the Chamber of Commerce on 8/31 and we will try to host an open house with a club contest.

Marina was the Toastmaster, Saurabh was the General Evaluator, Bacher was the Vote Counter, Samya was the Timer and Grammarian and Lara was the Ah Counter.

Speaker #1:  Aditi
Speech:   Words Matter Advanced Project #1 The Speech to Inform

Annamarie introduced the speech’s objectives.  Aditi opened her laptop toward the middle of the room for display.  She spoke about the importance of words and her understanding of how they matter.  Aditi talked about “the key to satisfaction”, making customers happy.
Two things were clear:
1.    People want what they want, if they ask for something they want their request fulfilled.
2.    Phrasing decisions in a way that is receptive to people
a.    Action vs. Outcome
                                          i.    Changing the wording from “we can’t do this” to “we took the time to figure out if we can help, but we can’t help at this time”
                                         ii.    Satisfaction rose 25%
Words have the impact of changing dialogue in the conversation
·         People being harassed online
a.    Acknowledge the difficulty of the situations without labeling them as harassed
·         Stolen Intellectual property

Empathy is very important, for example if a person is called a victim, they start acting like they are a victim.
Aditi cited a study of Children with Down’s Syndrome.
Aditi’s concluding thoughts:
1.    Stating you took the time to investigate
2.    The words you use
3.    Conveying a message with the utmost empathy

Speaker #2:  Sergio
Speech:   5 Tips for Everyday PC Users and IT Professionals Project #2 Organize Your Speech

David introduced the speech’s objectives.  Sergio began by propping up his training manual book.  He explained how he started a totally new role at his place of work.  After mastering his new role, Sergio shared five important tips all computer users should know:
1.    Computers go bad
a.    Dust and heat cause issues
b.    Durability and moving can also cause breakage
2.    Electro static Discharge (ESD)
a.    The casing protects people from the companent shocing you
3.    Electromagnetic Interface (EMI)
a.    Currants of magnetic firels, occurring when strong magnets are near a computer, which can cause loss of data
4.    Passwords
a.    Don’t give anyone your password
5.    Wires
a.    Hiding wires to reduce tripping hazards, safety

Table Topics:   Suzanne led Table Topics about hot August nights and antique cars.  Terri, Bacher, Annamarie, David N., Lara, Namisha and Samya participated.

Saurabh called on his team of evaluators:

Evaluator #2:  David evaluated Sergio’s speech.   

David appreciated Sergio’s useful speech.  He suggested physical ways Sergio could have set-up the book he displayed.  David noted the great insights that Sergio shared and how the audience could relate to everything he had shared.

Evaluator #2:  Annamarie evaluated Aditi’s speech.  

Annamarie noted that Aditi was addressing a topic we could all relate to.  She acknowledged how Aditi used the space and made eye contact with the audience.  Annamarie encouraged Aditi to use the room’s display screen so that everyone could see her presentation and suggested that Aditi could slow down in her pace.  Annamarie appreciated how the points of Aditi's speech were useful to all of us in the room.

Samya reminded us that the next meeting will be the last in this space at City Hall.  Samya asked the club members if they would like to put together a gift for the cleaning lady who stays late to clean after out meetings. Samya asked members to bring a donation next meeting.

Samya reminded us that the club is moving to the Chamber of Commerce offices on 8/31, at 1700 El Camino Real, Suite 100, San Mateo, CA.

Bacher announced Lara as winner of the Table Topics contest.

The meeting ended at 7:12.

Roles For The Next Meeting:  August 24, 2015

Toastmaster:   Aditi     Theme:    
General Evaluator:    Marina
Speaker 1:   Samya
Evaluator 1:  Suzanne
Speaker 2:  Saurabh
Evaluator #2: Lara
Table Topics:  Annamarie
Grammarian: Terri  Word of the day:  
Timer: David N. (tentative)
Ah Counter:  OPEN
Vote Counter:  David N.